Ch. Sadikifu Baghira Bassari

born 18.05.2008
in Otzberg/Habitzheim

breeder:    Stefan Becker

HD A2   OCD/ED free

DD =undiluted skin

height : 67 cm

weight : 39 kg

ZZP: allowed to breed

Pedigree | pictures | show

Bassari is a tempramentall dog, who quickly won a plac in our hearts and her social standing in the herd inserted. She lived the first 3 months after birth with here initial new owners, who separated later. Bassari came back to us and we were sure that she will remain with us. She gets on  magnificently with her mother and her half sister Lika. The three ladys always charm a smile on our faces on walks in the common . It is very interesting to see how the roles in the herd are divided up.

Bassari has a safe and friendly nature. Her self security , the excellent temper and guidency are very good.
With the shoot test she did not show any reaction. The feminine head with the good proportions, the dark eyes change into an
strong and dry neck. The shoulder is correctly stored. The very good chest height and the correct under line
unites with a firm and straight back of excellent length. She has a strong and smooth expiration of movement
with sufficient front and rear angulation. In the general impression her femininity as well as a balanced behavior are